i18n issues, was: FC2 release

Pedro Morais pmmm at rnl.ist.utl.pt
Fri Nov 7 00:42:35 UTC 2003

> Another "acessibility" issue is internationalization; the current process
> isn't bad at all, but could be improved.
> I was unfortunately very busy during this beta period (only managed to
> follow the mailling lists and update portuguese translations), so I can't
> really complain, but I kept i18n stats at 100% at almost all tims, and
> certainly at the freeze point I'm sure that only the anaconda docs has a
> couple of untranlated, and still there are powerdown messages in english
> (in the middle of portuguese messages, so it's not a "too late for i18n
> issue") and, even worse, up2date/rhn_register is half translated/half in
> english.
> Clearly there's room for improvement.

And, now that I read the rest of this thread :-) a tracking bug for i18n 
issues, similar to the proposed for a11y could be a step in that direction.
(If it exists, i'm not aware of it)
Pedro Morais - morais at kde.org - http://www.rnl.ist.utl.pt/~pmmm/

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