release version numbers

Paul Heinlein heinlein at
Mon Sep 29 22:54:27 UTC 2003

I'd like to submit a patch to Mark Burgess so that cfengine can
correctly parse Fedora's /etc/redhat-release file. I'm wondering if
there's an official roadmap for version numbers. Currently, it's 0.94,
so I assume that the first release will be 1.00. Or will it be 1.0? Or
1.0.0? And how will the numbers progress?

  seq 1    seq 2   seq 3
  -------  ------  -----
  1.00     1.0     1.0.0
  1.10     1.1     1.1.0
  1.15     1.1p5   1.1.5
  2.00     2.0     2.0.0

Or will there be a sequence altogether?


--Paul Heinlein <heinlein at>

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