Integrate dormant fedora-legacy in up2date/yum packages before EOL

Jesse Krijthe j.krijthe at
Sat Aug 7 22:17:11 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-08-07 at 05:32, Axel Thimm wrote:
> Instead of having users manually edit their config files to switch to
> fedora legacy updates when the time comes, how about having fedora
> legacy activated with an empty set of packages (but valid metadata
> nonetheless) from the very start? fedora-legacy could "populate" empty
> updates directories for FC1-FCX today and get into up2date's and yum's
> config files.
> When the distribution reaches EOL and fedora-legacy becomes
> authoritative over it, fedora-legacy will only need to put the new
> errata packages into the prepared folders and not have to propaganda
> the correct usage of yum config lines etc.
> If that sounds like a good idea, I suggest to add this to FC3 and also
> have update packages for FC1/FC2 before they reach their EOL (in
> FC1/FC2 updates, not fedora-legacy's, otherwise this defeats the
> purpose of a smooth transition).
> There is an immediate drawback for the legacy server of course, every
> yum update of every fedora box worldwide will ask for one
> file for each operation. While the bandwidth will be low, the number
> of accesses per time unit will be quite immense.
> Also there might be an educational interest, that users should be
> forced to do the switch manually to be aware of changed situation. In
> this case at least have the config lines commented in the
> resp. configuration files with a comment like:
> # Fedora Legacy updates
> # When a Fedora distribution reaches its EOL it is taken over by the
> # Fedora Legacy project, see
> # Uncomment the following to get access to errata packages crafted by
> # the Fedora Legacy project.
> #[fedoralegacyupdates]
> #name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Released Updates by FedoraLegacy
> #baseurl=$releasever/updates/$basearch

How about doing an update of these configs say 2 months before a release
turns EOL. That way you will have a smooth transition and still not have
so many requests as when you put it in the config files from the start.
Oh and by the way, I love the idea :)


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