upgrade to rawhide report

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Mon Aug 23 02:14:19 UTC 2004

> NetworkManager doesn't really care what the interfaces are named of 
> course, so that problem should be solved.  I can see two problems with 
> skipping the config stuff in network-scripts and sysconfig-networking:
> 1) kernel module autoloading.  Current process:  /etc/rc.d/init.d/network 
> loads the kernel modules itself by reading 
> sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* and reading the device, then asks 
> modprobe (which reads modprobe.conf) what the device name is, then has 
> modprobe load it.  NetworkManager process: asks hal for network devices.  
> Unfortunately, hal doesn't know that a device is network device until its 
> kernel module is loaded, which never happens.  So we have to keep the 
> ifcfg-* stuff around until we start autoloading kernel modules when the 
> device is present (which sounds just fine to me).

Not fine to a lot of servers, though. Sometimes you have multiple nics
in a machine and you don't want certain ones even coming up if you can
avoid it. Maybe they're a heartbeat backup nic or maybe they're an
onboard nic that plays hell with your bios. It doesn't matter, simply
loading a driver b/c the device is in the machine will piss off a lot of
people who appreciate being able to control what their system does.


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