i486 base architecture

Jeff Johnson n3npq at nc.rr.com
Sat Dec 4 15:17:09 UTC 2004

Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote:

>>The rpm implementation does not control what strings are used to 
>>identify arch in packages.
>>For example, PLD is using "pentium3", "pentium4", and "amd64" while
>>Red Hat is using "i586", "i686" and "x86_64" with essentially the same
>>meanings, and all of those strings are being carried in default rpm 
>The pentium 3 is definatly a i686 arch... the p2 and pentium pro as


But "pentium3" is most definitely not an an "i686" arch for rpm, because 
the strings are not identical,
and because FC and RHEL do not build *.pentium3.rpm packages.

73 de Jeff

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