From release notes: Anaconda not ejecting CDROM

Michel Alexandre Salim salimma at
Tue Feb 3 12:49:47 UTC 2004

indexhtml-1.90-1 , /usr/share/doc/HTML/index.html has this to say:

        Anaconda currently does not eject CD-ROMs (both when switching
        from one CD-ROM to another, and when the installation is
        complete); this will be fixed in a future test release of Fedora
How would this pan out with notebook users: Does this mean we can still
go to a console and run eject /dev/cdrom or does it mean I have to get
ready a long needle to prick the emergency eject button?

I can imagine the look on the face of an eager beaver testing an install
on a secluded beach when he realized he's stuck with a half-installed
system :)

- Michel
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