workaround for 116299? ("Obsoletes:" problem in rpm)

Fernando Pablo Lopez-Lezcano nando at ccrma.Stanford.EDU
Wed Feb 25 21:24:33 UTC 2004

> > Hi all... anyone has any idea on how I could work around bug 116299?
> > (see:
> > 
> > Basically (in FC1), in certain instances the "Obsoletes:" tag is being
> > ignored by rpm in such a way that I cannot change the naming of a
> > package (ie: if I try to install the new package, which "Obsoletes:"
> > another older package with almost the same contents but a different
> > name, the rpm process fails with a "conflicting files" message instead
> > of replacing the old package with the new one). 
> > 
> I think...
> $ rpm -e oldpackage --nodeps
> $ rpm -ihv newpackage
> should work...

Thanks but sorry, I should have added some context. The packages are
coming from an apt repository (Planet CCRMA) and users should not need
to do manual rpm operations to upgrade...

There is a little bit more information in the bugzilla report now,
apparently the file conflict only happens if the binaries that conflict
are different (the new from the old). If they are _exactly_ the same the
upgrade proceeds normally and the obsoleted package is erased. That
would seem to suggest that the test for conflicting flies (inside rpm)
is being done before rpm realizes that one package obsoletes the other.

-- Fernando

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