2.6 kernel on devel

Tony Grant tony at tgds.net
Sun Jan 4 16:09:59 UTC 2004

Le dim 04/01/2004 à 16:47, nathan r. hruby a écrit :

> > Also upgraded to the latest 2.6.0-1.23 but I've got problems with a
> > kernel panic when trying to mount the root fs with a "VFS cannot open
> > root dev "LABEL=/" or unknown-block(0,0)" error. Its a 9G SCSI disk on a
> > AIC7xxx controller.
> > 
> I have a similar setup (boot device on aic7xxx) with rh9 and am using
> arjan's kernels and get the same deal.  Haven't even bothered to look into
> yet.  Did you try to rebuild the initrd?

I was messing around with building 2.6.0 kernels from source and
eventually my machine stopped booting with these errors too. I pinned
the problem down to ext3 and ext3 partition type conflicts.

I installed the rpm kernel and it asked me to downgrade mkinitrd which I
did and voila the machine boots again. I compared the two initrd images
and they have identical contents!

<rant mode on> Since about kernel 5.2 I have been asking how come module
insertion is automatic when you use Redhat kernels and not when you
build your own? Come on guys where is the guru voodoo magic that makes
it work for you? I've read the kernel README and all the other howtos
and I just can't make it work for me.</rant>

One interesting thing that I did find is that my VIA kernel will not run
VMware where the i686 one will. Yes I know that the VIA CPU is
unsupported by VMware 4, that is why I am staying with 3.2.1.

I am now reading the 2.6.0.x source rpm spec file and other files (my
other half isn't enjoying it believe me...) I swear I'll build a VIA
specific kernel that loads modules by years end! =:-D


Tony Grant
www.tgds.net Library management software toolkit

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