include much needed antivirus products in FC2

Stephen Smoogen smoogen at
Mon Jan 5 22:43:54 UTC 2004

On 5 Jan 2004, seth vidal wrote:

>On Mon, 2004-01-05 at 12:44, Adam Debus wrote:
>> Because many linux machines are used as mail servers, and if you can stop
>> the virus/worm before it gets to a windows box...
>Then you're inappropriately increasing the load on a central machine
>rather than decentralizing scanning to the desktop windows machine,
>where it belongs.

>From what I can tell with our anti-virus scanning programs.. we have a 
much higher load with SPAM checkin stuff than we do with finding 
viruses. The 3 virus checking software deal with several million emails 
a day. Turning off the virus checking did not lower the load average any 
noticeble amount as more was taken up with IO than CPU computation.

Stephen John Smoogen            smoogen at
Los Alamos National Labrador  CCN-5 Sched 5/40  PH: 5-8058
Ta-03 SM-261  MailStop P208 DP 17U  Los Alamos, NM 87545
-- So shines a good deed in a weary world. = Willy Wonka --

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