An introduction of the new cheerleader...

Andy Green fedora at
Mon Jan 26 14:04:46 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Monday 26 January 2004 13:21, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> seen in message boards), repeating this procedure regularly. But when a
> package of the same software is in a public queue of packages to be
> reviewed before they get published, people avoid such packages like the
> plague and don't give the packages a try and don't leave feedback. I think

If you mean the development branch particularly, I think Joe Q Public did not 
hear enough about it yet.  I read fedora-list and I only realized that there 
was great stuff I wanted  in the development branch pretty much by accident.

Somebody or "more people" should mention this, that you can get Mozilla 1.6 
and KDE 3.95 right now and it is 'reasonably' stable.

The fact its marked as unstable or development or testing is interpreted as a 
big red flag for people, the other repos just don't mark it up as such and 
get more custom :-)  To counter the stick of worrying labels the carrot of 
the availablility of this official cool new stuff needs to be put around, 
people will come :-)

Also if an official Redhat person said, "hey, why don't more people try 
development on a non mission-critical (or well backed-up) machine?  We would 
love to hear about new troubled not already in Bugzilla." then I think that'd 
get a response.  People have a lot of respect for folks, maybe so 
much that its a bit inhibiting playing in the same sandpit sometimes.

- -Andy

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