not SVN?

Florian La Roche laroche at
Tue Jan 27 10:49:19 UTC 2004

> I understand, but maybe we could still give Subversion a try?.. This would 
> have the following advantages:
> - We would be eating our own dogfood. I am confident this is a vital part of 
> the product success. SVN is provided within the product, so using it for 
> "real" stuff would display our confidence in the product.

Anyone wants to improve srpm-cvs to handel cvs and subversion? I'll probably
not have time during the next days, so please just give it a try.

The big benefit I see is that subversion would have some plus points if
you add different products and want to compare src.rpm differences.
With cvs you more or less just look at the history and branches on a
per-rpm perspective.


Florian La Roche

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