Fedora Core 3 (update mirrors)

Kenneth Porter shiva at sewingwitch.com
Sat Jul 3 03:01:25 UTC 2004

--On Friday, July 02, 2004 6:02 PM -0700 Mike Fedyk <mfedyk at matchmail.com> 

> A utility that asks you to choose a mirror for the updates.
> The second you type any yum command for the first time, you hit the red
> hat servers and that's slow as fsck.
> A mirrors.fedora.redhat.com dns alias that points to mirrors (and is in
> the default FC3 setup) would be another option.

I was thinking about this problem for another system, maps for online 
games, and it occurred to me that a redirect server might be a good 
solution. Instead of using DNS to spread the load, create a module running 
under Apache that knows what servers have what modules and returns a 302 
with a Location header to a randomly-chosen mirror. This could also address 
the issue of some mirrors being slower to update than others.

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