Rawhide upgrades

Warren Togami warren at togami.com
Thu Jun 3 22:30:55 UTC 2004

Now is the time to look at the rawhide package list, and upgrade anything that has newer stable
upstream versions.  Some cases like spamassassin where there are current very stable pre-releases
and release schedule plans have the final release well before FC3 are acceptable for rawhide too. 
Please provide lists of stuff to upgrade THAT YOU HAVE ACTUALLY TESTED.  Please also indicate if
there will be known API changes in libraries or related changes that would require upgrades or
rebuilds of other rawhide packages.  We cannot guarantee that rawhide will be usable every day,
but I personally want to make it broken less often during this cycle.

Please continue to watch for new upstream versions with meaningful improvements, perhaps until FC3T2.

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