Logrotate RFE (2)

Mike A. Harris mharris at redhat.com
Wed Mar 3 04:04:29 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Keith Lofstrom wrote:

>Logrotate is the program called by cron to rename and expire log
>files.  Ruedinger Oertel at SUSE (ro at suse.de) has some patches that
>enhance the basic Redhat logrotate with "dateext".  This allows a
>dated log file extension rather than a numbered one, for example 
>/var/log/messages.20031029 .  The old logfiles do not get renamed,
>just discarded after they get too old.  This is a lot easier on
>rsync, and it also is easier to administer.  
>Ruediger's patches do not change the current logrotate behavior, just
>adds new features.   The code patches are stable and very well
>tested - all SUSE users are using them - and they work fine with
>the old integer-suffix scheme (which I ran for some time, to test).
>What are the proper steps to get these patches folded into the main
>development path for Fedora Core?  I mentioned this on this list in
>October with a few positive comments, and submitted an RFE to bugzilla:
>  https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=108775 
>... but there have been no responses since early November.  This patch
>can significantly increase the efficiency of rsync disk-to-disk
>backups, and overall is a cleaner way to do things.  Hundreds of
>thousands of SUSE users have tested the snarf out of it.  
>So what can I do?  Organize more Redhat-style testers?  Run more
>compatability tests?  Or is this one of those not-invented-here or
>not-important-enough things, and I should just patch and reinstall
>every time I upgrade Fedora?  
>In the larger sense, what can I do to make it easier for the Fedora
>organizers to incorporate small enhancements like this?  Help with
>other, more popular projects to earn credibility?  Send beer and pizza?  

I haven't looked at the actual implementation to comment on it 
from a technical review standpoint, however I fullheartedly agree 
that this would be a wonderful feature addition - technical 
issues aside.

Then again, I'd also like the free beer and pizza.

Mike A. Harris     ftp://people.redhat.com/mharris
OS Systems Engineer - XFree86 maintainer - Red Hat

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