Menu Policy - please read if you maintain a package with a .desktop file in it!

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Fri May 14 13:05:29 UTC 2004

Rui Miguel Seabra wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-05-14 at 07:27 -0500, Rex Dieter wrote:
>>Why mess with names like this at all when functional equivalents exist 
>>*now* in .desktop files using Name and GenericName, e.g. for mozilla:
>>GenericName=Web Browser
>>The display of these are (user) configurable (at least in KDE) whereas 
>>hardcoding changes as you suggest certainly are not.
> Because they're not using them properly, and so invent rules to work
> around bugs

Who are "they"?  What bugs?

> Name should be name and GenericName should be GenericName.
> And they should be used as
>   +----------------------+
>   | Name  GenericName[1] |
>   | Comment              |
> [1] order here should respect somehow what makes sense for other
> languages. maybe a field to specify invert-order is needed, like
> invert-order="list of locales"

I don't follow what you're saying here at all, so could you please 
elaborate for my slow moving brain this morning (probably for lack of 

-- Rex

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