Linux conceptual configuration problems

Jon Savage jonathansavage at
Sat Nov 6 17:40:48 UTC 2004

> Of course.
> But currently no massive cluster and no tiny deployment provides a way
> to apps integrate themselves automatically through their
> configurations. They allways have to ask users to manualy edit
> configuration files.
IMHO assuming that adaquate discovery/testing has been done prior to
deployment *users* at foocorp should never need to edit config files
at all beyond desktop/shell preferences. There are GUIs available for
just about all of these. Pretty much the same sort of tweaks users can
make to their own profiles in Windows. Now if foocorp has been running
windows w/ users having admin rights by default the transition might
be more interesting since the concept of locking user accounts down
will be  err... new.
Check out stateless linux.

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