Latest firefox doesn't pick up plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla

Christopher Aillon caillon at
Tue Oct 19 14:11:42 UTC 2004

Michael A. Peters wrote:
> On 10/18/2004 07:45:46 PM, Louis Garcia wrote:
>> I removed and installed the plugins again and it works now.
>> Don't know what happened there.
> If mozilla (firebird, whatever flavor) is doing anything - it won't  
> load new plugins until all process have finished (IE it's running) -  
> then it will load them next time it starts.
> IE if you had a download window open or something - the new plugins  
> wouldn't be registered until ALL mozilla windows were closed and the  
> browser started fresh.

That's not entirely true.  It looks for new plugins every time it is 
asked to check the available plugins.  That does happen at startup.  
It also happens whenever you view about:plugins, or otherwise initiate
a call to navigator.plugins.refresh()

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