cyrus-imapd (Was Re: Removed packages

Charles Lopes tjarls at
Fri Apr 8 17:08:09 UTC 2005

seth vidal wrote:

>>and a damn sight feature-less. How about having multiple domains users
>>in a database rather than system users? Oh, this is enterprise and
>>fedora isn't about enterprise.
>>Why isn't the default cyrus config setup so it works with system users
>>like dovecot does? This way there won't be any setup for regular users
>>and dovecot wouldn't be needed.
>b/c cyrus can only store files in cyrus's format and not in a plain mbox
>file. So using it w/o special configuration is hard.
Using mbox, specialy with dovecot, is not a smart idea anyway. Some of 
these regular users will set up mail servers without caring much about 
configuration. What will their reaction be when some large mailboxes 
start being corrupted? I've seen it happen with both uw-imap and 
dovecot. IMHO, not supporting mbox is a feature.

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