Getting SRPM from Extras

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Sat Apr 16 09:50:05 UTC 2005

--On Saturday, April 16, 2005 11:42 AM +0200 Michael Schwendt 
<fedora at> wrote:

> Fedora Extras is for FC3 and newer:

I repackaged openal from FC3 on my FC2 system. I can't imagine anything in 
the SRPM that would be incompatible. I wouldn't upgrade a core component 
like a kernel or glibc that way, but an add-on like openal should be ok. (I 
looked at the resulting file list and install scripts to make sure it 
wouldn't do something evil.) The more critical the component is, the more 
closely I inspect the spec file and patches before proceeding.

(I figure I'll upgrade the box to FC4 a month after it's stable, allowing 
time for the "surprises" to die down a bit.)

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