yum clean bug

Panu Matilainen pmatilai at laiskiainen.org
Fri Dec 9 09:02:36 UTC 2005

On Thu, 8 Dec 2005, Neal Becker wrote:
> Well, for the record, I disagree.  Is there really any reason for disabling,
> except that the repo doesn't play nicely with others, so that I don't want
> it enabled by default?  If so, why would I run clean all, and not want to
> clean it?

Yup, I really don't see what's there to "protect" in cached data from 
somewhere. It's not like where talking about personal documents and 

> The fact is, I have a couple of repos disabled by default, such as
> updates-testing.  They had eaten lots of disk space.  I did clean all.  I
> certainly did not expect this behavior.

This is precisely the reason I dislike the current behavior - if I ask yum 
to "clean all" I really expect it to clean ALL of the cache and not leave 
old junk from disabled repos around, eating disk space.

> If this is really the way we want it to act, please clearly document 
> that we need to add --enablerepo=* to clean disabled repos.

I guess can live with that, it just feels rather counterintuitive to me to 
have to mess with repo settings to clean cache data. If somebody can come 
up with a real, sane usage scenario why leaving disabled repos alone on 
clean operations is a good idea it might help making it feel a bit less 
odd. :)

 	- Panu -

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