FC5 and Yum Plugins

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Sat Dec 31 18:47:55 UTC 2005


>So you should be able to mention a couple real life
>issues/bugzillas. If it ain't in bugzilla, it ain't a bug, right?
Thats what you tell people.  If their system gets messed up to the point 
that getting them to file bug reports is useless or if they complain 
about how bad bugzilla is in return you tend to give up after a while.

>No, seriously. I guess you are a victim of this FUD just like many
>other people, too. There really isn't any correlation between a
>package being replaced/updated and having more bugs for this packages.
I didnt claim that you get more bugs. Just that you get irrelevant ones. 


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