further package removals/potential package removals

Jeff Johnson n3npq at nc.rr.com
Mon Jan 24 00:06:02 UTC 2005

Jeremy Katz wrote:

>On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 13:42 -0500, Havoc Pennington wrote:
>>If someone fixes it so there's no tradeoff (we can 
>>get it by default, *and* you can uninstall it), 
>>then fantastic; of course nobody will object.
>>A "requires(missingok)" sounds fine to me, but 
>>the anaconda guys are the ones whose opinion
>And, of course, there's the ever fun part about if there's anything like
>this, then _every time you do an upgrade_, you'll get the package added
>At which point, people complain, we turn off the use of the hint on
>upgrades and we're back to step1.  Around and around the mulberry bush
>we go, where it stops, no one knows. 

Not true.

The "missingok" mechanism fails on legacy code/packaging by reproducing
the current behavior exactly as is.

Meanwhile, new packaging for, say, nautilus which has
    Requires(missingok): gnome-vfs2-smb
and a depsolver that tests RPMSENSE_MISSINGOK drop a sub-tree that
is optional.

I fail to see a mulberry bush, except in this loopy and endless fretting.

Show me the mulberries *please*.

73 de Jeff

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