Fedora Core 5 Idea

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Fri Jul 1 17:07:27 UTC 2005

Richard June wrote:

>On Friday 01 July 2005 08:54, Sean wrote:
>>On Fri, July 1, 2005 7:29 am, dragoran said:
>>>the problem is that the don't have any other choice ....
>>>recommend user to buy older or slower hardware isn't the right way..
>>No, it _is_ the right way.  There _are_ other choices, and they should be
>>recommended by the community instead of companies that refuse to properly
>>support Linux.  Especially when many (or most) peoples needs are servered
>>perfectly well by one of the current open source options.  We _really_
>>need people who care about open source to stop spreading the notion that
>>there is no alternative to nVidia.
>Please, name a video card that performs as well as an nVidia GeForce2 using 
>OSS drivers. ATi has some cards in that performance range, but only if you 
>use their drivers, which are even worse then nVidias
Would people stop discussing merits and demerits of particular brands of 
video cards and their drivers and market share in the Fedora development 
list. This is definitely off topic for this list. Kindly stop


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