Yesterday's rawhide sunk my iBook

Michael Schroeder mls at
Fri Jul 29 10:52:38 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jul 28, 2005 at 01:42:52PM -0400, Jeff Spaleta wrote:
> A lot of time... would mean you are doing a lot of updates.  You'd
> rather yum do  install/clean up  one package at a time?  I think that
> leads to a whole other nest of problems. I don't even think cli rpm
> does updates that way when you give it a big list of packages to
> update.

Well, old rpm versions used to do the uninstall right after the install.
I don't know why it was changed, the new way has some big disadvantages,
for example you get lots of duplicate packages if rpm exits in the
middle of the update.


Michael Schroeder                                   mls at

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