Fedora Goals -- LSB-compliant/ideal init for FC5+

Bill Nottingham notting at redhat.com
Tue Jun 7 18:55:46 UTC 2005

Edginton, Brian (GE Healthcare) (Brian.Edginton at ge.com) said: 
> > No, CDDL (like ASPL, actually) isn't a viable license for Fedora code.
>  Specifics?

Just the hazy memory of a conversation I had. I'll try to dig up

It's GPL-incompatible, of course.

What could be done with it is the same thing that's done with
launchd; look at the docs/manauls, see the general way it works,
and go from there. But looking at the code and trying to reimplement
it that way is right out.


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