Firefox crippling

John Thacker thacker at
Thu Jun 9 16:43:27 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jun 09, 2005 at 06:28:30PM +0200, Enrico Scholz wrote:
> Filing bugs regarding Gnome2 usability is senseless; Gnome2 developers think
> that they are the gods of usability and reject anything which is against
> their ideas.


I haven't noticed that.  I have noticed that they tend to stick very tightly
to a set of usability rules (which are approved and allow modification)
which follow well-known guidelines that have been tested experimentally
and with ordinary users by many, many companies and programmers.  They
don't seem to think that they are the "gods of usability"; if anything,
they're following in the footsteps of a large amount of research and 
discussion from everyone in the industry.

The only person I see as setting himself up as a "god of usability" is
you, who apparently gets strongly upset whenever any one of your ideas
is rejected.  This despite that almost all of your suggestions that
I've seen go against every well-known and well-tested concept of 
usability.  It's easy enough to point you to books, essays, and research
on the topic of usability (I believe that earlier someone pointed to
links to chapters from Joel Spolsky's book, for example) that disagree
with you.  People aren't disagreeing with you out of arrogance or
refusal to listen; they're disagreeing with you because there is real
data to back their side.  I don't doubt that your suggestions would
make life easier for you personally, but they don't apply to users
in general.

I'm not going to reply anymore, though; fedora-desktop-devel or
some of the GNOME desktop mailing lists are better places for this
sort of thing.

John Thacker
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