question about RedHat/Fedora and the GPL

Curtis Doty Curtis at
Mon Jun 6 17:16:15 UTC 2005

Arjan van de Ven wrote:

>yes. All the scripts needed to control the compilation and installation
>of the executable is in the src.rpm perfectly fine.
I find myself always adding something like:

--- kernel-2.6.spec     2005-05-17 16:50:40.000000000 -0700
+++ kernel-2.6gk.spec   2005-05-30 18:58:15.000000000 -0700
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %define sublevel 11
 %define kversion 2.6.%{sublevel}
 %define rpmversion 2.6.%{sublevel}
-%define rhbsys  %([ -r /etc/beehive-root -o -n "%{?__beehive_build}" ] 
&& echo || echo .`whoami`)
+%define rhbsys  %([ -r /etc/beehive-root -o -n "%{?__beehive_build}" ] 
&& echo || echo .`whoami`@`hostname -s`)
 %if %{FC3}
 %define release %(R="$Revision: 1.27 $"; RR="${R##: }"; echo 

It sure would be nice if the Red Had specfile maintainers took us into 
consideration. .. Those of us who don't have access to the Red Hat IP 
known as beehive. .. And have no problem managing our own parallel build 


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