reducing distribution CD count

Demond James dnjinc at
Wed Mar 2 22:20:41 UTC 2005

Jesse Keating wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-03-02 at 20:58 +0000, Sitsofe Wheeler wrote:
>>This used to be true for me too but the new "exercises 3D drivers like
>>no other program" belongs to bzflag. Without fail every version has
>>found something wrong in the binary nvidia drivers. The latest bzflag
>>(version 2) now triggers a problem that causes X to take 100% of the
>>and nearly stops task switching completely.
>This would be useful if we shipped Nvidia drivers.  Oh wait, they're
>probably in Extras right?
It would be nice if Extras could be a network of Fedora/Red Hat 
certified repos hosted by individual hardware providers and software 
developers.  FE would have one main list that tells the package update 
tool where to find the files.  That would save Red Hat from trying to 
host every software for FCx on their server.

If that buildsystem that has been talked about actually materializes, it 
can be used for this effort.  Instead of submitting the actual SRPM, the 
software/hardware vendor would host the binary rpms and FE would have 
the information to grab these rpms form that location.  Most likely the 
current repo/metadata setup will have to be extended to handle this.  
Not that I want to take away from the work of  repo maintainers.  
Perhaps 3rd party repos could be one of the sources in the certified 
list (for some individual packages not their entire repo). Also, 
proprietary software companies like skype and adobe, who don't want to 
release their source code but want to build their software for 
Fedora/Linux can utilizes this.

There would have to be a certification process ofcourse along with some 
other legalities.

Just an idea!
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