reducing distribution CD count

Eric Warnke eric at
Thu Mar 3 19:55:40 UTC 2005

All this talk and not much action on the reduction in CD count.

I did some poking and proding of FC3 to see what we could get it down
to.  I discovered that base had a bad dependancy issue that cuased much
more to be pulled into a base install than was necessary becase
kdebindings was claiming ownership of /usr/lib/python2.3.  Once I
started using base+updates everything sorted itself out nicely.

Basicly I require 115mb of RPM's ( decompressed ~250mb in about 45
seconds ) in order to bootstrap a system up to the point where yum
becomes usable.  I then copy resolv.conf and chroot into the system.  I
can then run yum install [package] without problem.  It turned out to be
much easier than I expected and I'm thinking of continuing to use this
process moving forward to build a simple yum based net install system in
house.  I figure I can modify the rescue cd to accomplish this task,
possibly having enough room to also add a basic gnome install.

I think some of the scripts were failing because of some undeclared
dependancies on files that need to be created by an installer,
specifically /etc/fstab, so if someone has documentation on
bootstrapping a Fedora based system that would be helpful.

Eric Warnke
System Administrator - Research IT
SUNY at Albany
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