What users want...

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 00:42:12 UTC 2005

On Sun, 6 Mar 2005 18:40:19 -0500, Matthew Miller <mattdm at mattdm.org> wrote:
> Wow, givien that Frozen Bubble -- nice game that it is -- hasn't had a new
> release since 1.0.0 in February 2003, that's kind of a sad statement on open
> source games.

or its a sad statement about the cross-section of users who actually
responded/created the poll. If you actually take the time to read the
whole thread at linuxquestions you will see several interesting games
mentioned for inclusion into the poll that were not added for voting.

You need to take this sort of poll with a grain of salt... a grain the
size of a dump truck.  You can not make a strong statement using the
result of this poll... all you can say is that a majority of people
who felt like voting from within the community of registered
linuxquestions users chose frozen-bubble out of the available poll
choices.  The poll choices were not a best-of-breed selection by any
rational measure.  The list of available poll choices has the quality
of a slashdot poll... its a complete throw away poll. If you take this
poll or the results of this poll seriously... you probably read
theonion and consider it real news. There were only 764 people who
voted in that category, I wouldn't exactly call that number
representative of even the linuxquestions user community and i
definitely wouldn't even begin to suggest that 764 people represent
the open source community at large.

-jef"goes back to playing trigger.. with one of today's randomly
generated terrain maps"spaleta

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