Alexander Boström abo at kth.se
Sun Mar 20 18:31:25 UTC 2005

sön 2005-03-20 klockan 19:16 +0100 skrev Felipe Alfaro Solana:
> On 20 Mar 2005, at 16:28, Roland Käser wrote:
> >  Hello all
> Please, avoid posting in HTML...

It was a multipart/alternative message with both HTML and plain text.
There's nothing wrong with those. (I would actually *prefer* if people
would send such messages instead of just the plain text, as long as the
HTML is sane. No colours, backgrounds and fancy fonts, just <p>, <br>,
<strong>, <em>, <blockquote>, <pre>, <tt> etc.)

Regarding the actual question: I seem to recall that specifying an LDAP
server in the the Kickstart configuration will cause it to be used both
for account information and for user authentication (password hashes).


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