All packages need love.

Martin Sevior msevior at
Thu Mar 3 03:35:23 UTC 2005

> > That's fine. For you OO.o is the right solution. Just remember that
> > there are others for whom the opposite is true. Abiword does some things
> > that OO.o can't do, and thus for them, that's the right solution. For
> > me, there's no question that Abiword/Gnumeric are a better combination
> > than OO.o. But it seems there's little point in arguing about it now.
> > AFAICT, the decision has already been made, and FC4 will ship with them
> > in Extras. Let's just hope someone sees the light and puts them back
> > into Core for FC5.
> As far as i understand, extras is open for non-rh devs to maintain - and
> if (example) AbiWord was maintained by somebody who used AbiWord
> reguraly, and maybe even was an AbiWord developer - wouldn't that
> possibly give a better AbiWord than somebody who never used it exept
> fiering it up to check that "yum, it still starts" after recompiling,
> but never sees any bugs etc. ?

Yes indeed. But this is the whole point of involving the community and
RH engaging the community. Wouldn't it be great *every* package in FC
Core also had this kind of love?

What needs to happen so this occurs?



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