Stateless Debian Project

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Tue May 3 16:08:10 UTC 2005


> pl note that Debian has versions Stable (1-2 RHEL 18 
> months) , testing (yearly), unstable(few months fedora).... 

If you really insist on a comparison, Debian unstable is more like 
Fedora development tree. Fedora project itself does test releases 
periodically between every major release which has been about every 6 
months so far.  Updates are provided till the second test release of 
second subsequent major version following it. You can use Fedora legacy 
to extend this lifecyle even further

> As per  RH not enough volunteers ....lots of people other people (me 
> included)... there is lot of potential in the concept..I wrote many 
> mails regarding the status of Stateless Linux and offering to 
> volunteer but .....

You are still welcome to work on it and produce actual code. Fedora 
extras CVS is open to community contributors


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