(Not) Customizing Gnome

Deji Akingunola dakingun at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 19:55:47 UTC 2005

>     Gnome is also avoiding the reality that any given user only uses a
> tiny fraction of the applications on a machine.  The Start Menu on
> Windows can get to be a godawful mess,  but at least you can drop  icons
> onto the start button so you can always find your top five
> applications.  People really like the ability to look up the last ten
> apps they ran on Mac OS X,  and this largely makes up for the miserable
> state of the Applications directory.
Someone has actually proposed the sort of thing you're looking for on
planet gnome [1] a couple of days ago.
You can argue for it with Gnome developers on their desktop-devel list
it you're really interested in it.

[1]. http://blogs.gnome.org/view/michiels/2005/10/31/0

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