rt2x00 driver support in FC5

Michael Favia michael.favia at insitesinc.com
Fri Nov 4 09:29:01 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Arjan van de Ven wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 00:40 -0600, Michael Favia wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>Alan Cox wrote:
>>>Fedora tracks upstream fairly closely so if it gets upstream it get into Fedora.
>>>In the mean time various people on the list have been kicking around ideas for
>>>improving the add on driver support in Fedora extras and that seems to be the right
>>>place to start
>>I was afraid i was going to get a alexendar dumas style "wait and hope"
>>response. It is also probably the right one in order to maintain a
>>semblance of sanity in the kernel maintenance department. With releases
>>coming every few months i suppose it isnt much to ask people to wait for
>>its inclusion. I'll see what i can chase down in extras in the meantime.
>>Thanks for the response.
> you don't have to be passive about it! You can either help the rt guys
> submit it, or ask them if they are ok with you submitting it....
> Open source is all about being able to change the course of events
> yourself.... and there is a big sign next to the road here saying where
> to go ;)

Sorry I think that came off wrong. I meant i was going to chase down the
possibilities for getting it into extras in some form (as ac mentioned)
while the unified driver is being stabilized for kernel submission. As a
quick follow up though:

Would you suggest trying to get the (more stable) separate drivers
included upstream while the unified driver codebase settles down?
Meaning, is it a smart move to try to push something in that will be
functionally replaced in a year? If it isnt terribly difficult to
transition from one driver to the next then where should i start? I've
never tried to push any patches into the upstream kernel and don't know
the politics (link or short explanation would be great). :) Thanks.

- -mf
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