About unofficial FC4-ISOs

Stefan Neufeind fedora-devel at stefan-neufeind.de
Sat Nov 26 00:21:55 UTC 2005


I lately remembered the discussion about updated, unofficial FC4-ISOs
(aka "respins") and found the URL again on the mailinglist-archive:


Great job Hans did. I wonder if it might be possible to offer them
officially? Especially with FC4 some quite important install-problems
have been fixed, e.g. due to a more recent kernel. If Redhat does not
want to put the burden of additional traffic and disc-space on it's
servers and mirrors then maybe it would be possible to officially
validate the build distributed by Torrent and offer such a torrent

The service Hans offers is really, really great for the community.
However I see that for some people it might be a problem of trust
(security) to use ISOs from _some_ source. So in case Fedora might see a
chance to either bundle respins from time to time and distribute those
on torrent officially or validate the integrity of Hans' current ISOs
maybe they could declare them official FC4.2?

Kind regards,
 Stefan Neufeind, Germany

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