'everything' install option in FC5test1

Willem Riede wrrhdev at riede.org
Sat Nov 26 18:30:02 UTC 2005

On 11/26/2005 09:39:49 AM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 12:50:26AM -0500, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> > In a lot of cases, packages which aren't listed in the comps file at all
> > (or aren't a dependency of something) perhaps _should_ move to Extras.
> > In addition, I think there probably are packages which should move
> > somewhere into the comps file.  File bugs against comps for things that
> > should be listed and aren't.
> How about making Anaconda always only do a minimal install, and make
> firstboot have the option to install other things if you want 'em? :)

That's not really a solution, because it only moves the problem to a different  
place. We still need to code to make selecting what a user wants to have  
installed easy and ergonomically sound. And if we have that code, I prefer to  
have it run from anaconda, because I believe that makes for the better user  

Regards, Willem Riede.

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