status of up2date and rhn-applet

seth vidal skvidal at
Tue Nov 29 19:02:27 UTC 2005

> AT> And if you don't trust repo X to replace package Y, then why trust
> AT> it to offer package Z? Better drop repo X, if you feel
> AT> uncomfortable.
> I would drop atrpms in an instant if anyone else provided those kernel
> modules. However, noone else does. Atrpms is only usable for me with a
> hefty exclude= line, and I'm seriously considering switching to
> include=. However, that would mean never again being able to check
> with yum whether atrpms provides a certain package.

livna carries those modules.

Well, to be clear ipw2200 is just firmware - the module is in the kernel

> Perhaps the real solution is an option to let yum list ignore exlude= and
> include=.

no, that's not the answer. Talk about counterintuitive.


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