Pipe dreams: yum-based anaconda a step towards on-line yum-based upgrades?

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Wed Nov 30 21:08:53 UTC 2005

Le mercredi 30 novembre 2005 à 15:54 -0500, Jeff Spaleta a écrit :
> On 11/30/05, Nicolas Mailhot <nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net> wrote:
> > Why should one need to start an installation process to have access to a
> > decent gfx partitioning utility ?
> was this a discussion about generally useful partitioning utilities to
> help you manage unmounted lvm groups? No... I'm pretty sure it wasn't.
> Let me go check the top post.

This discussion was about doing some stuff within anaconda or not.
Some people argued some functions must be kept inside anaconda because
they can't be done on a live system.
I replied these functions are generally useful outside the
installation/upgrade context, so anaconda is not the right place to put
them either. Live/not live is a requirement but this requirement can be
achieved without anaconda, and it is generally useful not to weld these
functions to the installation process like today.

Nicolas Mailhot
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