Encouraging the use of multiple packaging systems on one systems, and the resulting problems (was: re: /usr/local)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Sat Oct 22 09:44:16 UTC 2005

Le vendredi 21 octobre 2005 à 22:16 -0400, Konstantin Ryabitsev a
écrit :

> Can you state clearly the problem that autopackage is trying to solve?
> As a bonus, can you state clearly how autopackage won't ultimately do
> more harm by potentially breaking systems or leaving them vulnerable,

And now they're experimenting elaborate methods of protecting the system
from autopackages. Somehow I'm not surprised.

(Not that this kind of sandboxing couldn't be done on top of rpm as the
buildsys shows. But somehow we're not feeling strongly this sandboxing
need today in the rpm world)

Ultimately, when you remove the requirement of the packager to know the
system it will deploy on (clueless packagers), and target normal people
(clueless admins), you have to find something else to take care of
system sanity. I'm less than convinced it can be done automagicaly
without reducing the functionality of the system to that of a mobile
phone/game console. A computer processes lots of user data, how are you
going to decide which data is safe to access from untrusted apps and
which isn't ? Of course you can reduce the scope to apps that only
access private data, but there's not a lot of them out there.

And you only need to care about user data. If reinstalling a clean
system was not fast nowadays, FC couldn't have had a short release

Nicolas Mailhot
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