GNOME 2.14 for FC5?

David Nielsen david at
Thu Sep 15 18:23:24 UTC 2005

Recently a preliminary schedule for GNOME 2.14 was released[1], which
puts 2.14 for final release about 2 weeks after the FC5 release is
scheduled[2], the GNOME development freeze as can be read from the
schedule is in January, which is the roughly same time as FC3t3's devel

Would there be any sense in pushing FC5 back 2-3 weeks to accomidate
GNOME 2.14 rather than sticking with 2.12, which also would mean that we
would be stuck with this recently released version 2.12 of GNOME for the
FC5 cycle, of which ~5 months remain, FC6 would then probably ship with
2.16 if the 9 month cycle is repeated. Given that 2.14 already looks to
be a major release in terms of planned features my expectation would be
that users would migrate to another distro that would supply the 2.14
feature set should Fedora fail to provide it.

Fedora has always shipped with the very latest GNOME version, and as a
user, I'm hoping this will continue to be the policy.

Kind regards
David Nielsen

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