Extras bugzilla?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Mon Sep 19 09:29:50 UTC 2005


>This might need to be considered when Fedora Core / Fedora Extras
>becomes more spread across package types, to make filing bugs against
>the various 'groups' easier.  For example, if Gnome and KDE are split of
>into Fedora Gnome and Fedora KDE (as possible names for the groups) then
>you shouldn't have to know where they came from to file bug reports (as
>this would get very confusing).  However, this is just food for thought.
Fedora Bugzilla only lists source components. I am not sure giving 
special treatment to GNOME or KDE helps but if you feel there are 
improvements to be made you can probably do the following

* File bugs and enhancement  (along with rationale) reports against 
bugzilla itself.
* Help improve the guide . http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ReportingBugs


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