php 5 Selection Question Verses php 4

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at
Wed Sep 28 12:41:49 UTC 2005

Kyrre Ness Sjobak wrote:

>ons, 28.09.2005 kl. 06.40 skrev Mike A. Harris:
>>Greg Morgan wrote:
>>>Hash: SHA1
>>>Would anyone be able to give me the background on the selection of php5
>>>as the php language on FC 4?  What I am finding is that there are still
>>>many php applications that do not work well on php5 yet.  ISPs that
>>>upgrade their web systems find that all their customer's sites go down.
>>> By time the ISP has moved the application language back to php4, the
>>>customer's databases are hosed.  Would there be a chance that FC 5 could
>>>have php 4 packages as an option?  Could a set of php 4 packages be
>>>created for the current FC 4 release?
>>Fedora Core is a platform designed for rapid technology advancement.
>>It sounds like these ISPs want compatibility and features provided
>>over longer periods of time, such as what we provide in Red Hat
>>Enterprise Linux.
>>Another option would be for them (or someone) to maintain custom
>>php4 packages in a 3rd party repositorIy somewhere for Fedora.
>>Hope this helps.
>Just curious: Could this repository be fedora extras? Or is there a
>problem with duplicate functionality/replacing core packages?
Duplicate functionality is a relative thing. As long as the packages can 
be parallely installed it could probably go into extras


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