FC4 state of affairs and FC5

Jeremy Katz katzj at redhat.com
Wed Sep 7 17:59:57 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 11:50 -0600, Tyler Larson wrote:
> Even without anaconda integration, it would be extremely helpful to, after
> firstboot, do something like "yum -c /media/cdrom/yum.conf update".  The time
> and bandwidth saved would be wonderful. It would achieve much of the same
> effect as re-spinning a release without the additional complications.
> I don't mind writing a script to generate the ISO, but I'm not sure what all
> needs to be included. I imagine that it would have to generate a custom
> repodata dir filtered to reference only the RPMs that are on the CD (i.e. only
> the most recent version of each package). Any advice from someone who
> understands this better a bit better than I do?

The steps that are basically needed should be:
a) Mirror the updates directory 
b) Run repomanage over it to get only the latest version (yum-utils is
in extras and contains this incredibly useful utility as well as
others... check it out! :)
c) Run createrepo on your directory
d) Create a yum config that will point to where the cd is mounted
e) Create your iso
f) Burn CD
g) Stick CD in machine, mount it, run yum -c /path/to/configfile update

And that should basically be it.  Try it and let me know what I
forgot ;-)


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