pilot-link.org: Anonymous CVS Removed indefinitely

Gilboa Davara gilboad at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 14:19:26 UTC 2006

I'm just posting this, so -please- don't shoot the messenger:
Submitted by desrod on Mon, 03/27/2006 - 01:50.
Since the Fedora Linux distribution (always problems with Fedora, sigh)
has decided to ignore the FAT GLARING WARNING about NOT packaging up
pilot-link 0.12.x in their releases, I’ve taken anonymous CVS down
indefinitely, and hourly snapshots will also be removed. 

Those who wish to use the code, will have to wait until official
releases are made. 

Sorry, but this has happened way too often with Fedora (and previously
with the Red Hat packagers) to ignore time and time again. Their
ignorance has increased our maintenance headaches, and I’m frankly tired
of dealing with the support issues.

Problem is: pilot-link AND gnome-pilot are semi-broken on FC4 and
completely broken on FC5. Now that CVS is shut, until pilot-link 0.12 is
released (and there's not tables for that) there's little chance that
FC5 will be fixed.

My question is:
Will it be possible to roll-back all patches and go back to 0.11?
Pretty please?


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