Red Hat's "Cowardice" against Software Patents

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at
Thu Apr 6 10:06:28 UTC 2006

Le Mer 5 avril 2006 23:22, Eric S. Raymond a écrit :

> What is it with the zeolots on this list, anyway?  No contact with reality
> at *all*...

Eric, to make it clear (though I despair you'll understand what I'll write)

1. discussions on RH paid offerings (aka RHEL) -> on RHEL ML
2. discussions of RH 100% FOSS and redistributable offerings -> on fedora
3. discussions of RH-blessed 100% FOSS and redistributable offerings -> on
fedora-extras list
4. discussions of anything else -> on other lists (livna, centos,
freshrpms, whatever)

It's not real clear if you want to talk about 1. or 4. but what's
blindingly clear to everyone but you is it does not belong in 2.

Except if you want to be told :
1. you're off topic
2. what you want is not within Fedora goals (what 2 is about)

Which has already happened numerous times and fallen in deaf ears.

Nicolas Mailhot

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