rawhide report: 20060410 changes

Bart Vanbrabant bart.vanbrabant at zoeloelip.be
Mon Apr 10 09:36:31 UTC 2006

[A lot of xorg updates]

This update changes the ABI. This means that the drivers that aren't in
this update, like the nv driver, can't be used anymore. X refuses to
start. I fixed this by recompiling the nv driver srpm.
But this should have been an update of all xorg-x11-drv-* packages.



Bart Vanbrabant <bart.vanbrabant at zoeloelip.be>
PGP fingerprint: 093C BB84 17F6 3AA6 6D5E  FC4F 84E1 FED1 E426 64D1

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