Kickstart and roles

n0dalus n0dalus+redhat at
Fri Apr 14 06:17:48 UTC 2006

On 4/14/06, Mike McGrath <mmcgrath at> wrote:
> This may already exist so if it does please let me know but I would
> like to setup a bunch of kickstart scripts for server and workstation
> roles using only official Fedora software.  For example, lets say
> someone wants a xen workstation.  We could setup a kickstart script
> with everything they need, only the minimals and at the end, yum
> update, configure what we can and on reboot, that user has a working
> xen machine.

I have often thought it would be helpful if a bunch of kickstart files
were distributed on the CDs. That way people with uncommon use cases
can still be catered for without having to put confusing or
over-complicated gui options. For example, kickstarts could be
provided for:
- Everything installs
- Everything installs minus languages
- Very minimal install
- Different server installs
- Etc

Not only does this provide a good way to introduce people to kickstart
and give them example files to modify, it would help make various use
cases a bit easier to implement.

I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing the original poster meant,
but I think it would be nice to try for FC6.


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