FC5 rocks! / middle mouseless angst

Gérard Milmeister gemi at bluewin.ch
Mon Apr 24 21:10:18 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-04-24 at 22:01 +0100, Cam wrote:
> Jeff
> while you're considering conspiracies, what about the legion of 
> notebooks that lack a middle button? I have such a machine. Yes it's my 
> fault for buying it, but sometimes it's hard to turn down an otherwise 
> perfect machine at a good price. Plus, I assumed that the touchpad would 
> detect multi finger taps - it doesn't :(
If I remember correctly, in 1993, the time I first used Linux, many
X apps made use of the middle mouse button (this is valid of course
for other UNIX systems with X11). So, the middle mouse button has
some tradition in the Linux world. I would say that combining
the middle mouse button with the wheel is a design error.
Gérard Milmeister
Langackerstrasse 49
CH-8057 Zürich

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