FYI: /sbin/weak-modules

Jon Masters jonathan at
Thu Aug 3 01:54:32 UTC 2006

Hi folks,

Several people have been asking what /sbin/weak-modules is/does,
mostly because it started script spewing the other day (sorry about
that!) on kernel updates.

weak-modules is part of some driver updates work we're doing at Red
Hat and also involves folks working on Fedora Extras "kmod" kernel
packaging (see the packaging list archives). Essentially, this and
other scripts are part of a system for allowing compatible kernel
modules to continue to work after a kernel update occurs -
weak-modules is the part that figures out which kernels are compatible
with a driver.

There's more information (and some out of date packages - look at
rawhide for the current latest stuff!) at and I will add documentation for those
who were looking for it and could not find any - I'm sorry that's not
been done yet.

I'm trying to work with the folks at SuSE/Novell to ultimately offer
kernel module package authors a standardized packaging process too
(over and above what we each do separately) - I'm going to start by
introducing a new macro in redhat-rpm-config along the lines agreed
between those of us who met up at OLS to discuss driver updates last
week. This is not aimed at undermining the work that's been done in
Extras - it's just an additional option.

If you would like more information, just drop me an email (I'm also
jcm at when wearing my work hat!) or reply to this one.



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